

Best Answer

i don't think so


pee is hold in the bladder

how can it go to the blood




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Q: If you hold your pee does it goes on your blood?
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Related questions

Is it normal for a pet mouse to bleed when it goes pee?

It's not normal for any animal to pee blood. Take your little guy to the vet. D:

How do smooth muscles help you hold your pee?

They relax to hold your pee and contrast when you want the pee to get out.

Do you need pee?

If you mean, "Do you need to pee?" Then yes. You see, when you drink, the water goes to your kidneys along with your blood. he kidneys filter out the dirty water from the blood, and put in the clean water. The dirty water is your pee. The kidneys then send it to your bladder. When you don't pee for a long enough time, it will fill up your bladder, and build up in your kidneys until they burst, killing you. So, yeah. You need to pee.

Can people find if you a girl or boy through your pee?

You can tell because boy's pee goes up and girls pee goes down.

What would make an 8 year old pee in pants?

Not long little kids say mom or mommy I have to go to the bathroom or I have to pee and then cry that they can't hold it after a while.

Do you lose vitamin c when you pee?

no it is not only in your pee it is in your blood

Is it normal for red nose puppy to pee blood?

It is NEVER normal for a puppy to pee blood. If there is blood in the urine contact your vet

What does it mean when you pee blood but no blood in pad?


Is it bad to hold your pee?

my sister does nursing in her high school and YES it is bad to hold your pee. i think it could lead to..... i dont know i forgot what she told me, but yes holding your pee is bad.

Do vampiers pee?

vampires do not pee because the blood they take in does not go threw the digestive system it goes first into the veins and slowly wears off over time so that is why they feed so often. their vampire body knows when blood is taken in that it needs to go into the veins. but i guess if they did drink something they would pee but i dont know how that would work >.<

Can you eat tiger pee?

Yes you could. its medicine . Pee mix with blood

What is the orange stuff when you hold a ladybug?

The orange stuff actually is there blood and they let it out when there scared so it will scare people off and it is soposed to look like pee.