my sister does nursing in her high school and YES it is bad to hold your pee. i think it could lead to..... i dont know i forgot what she told me, but yes holding your pee is bad.
only if there's no bathroom around for fun no don't do it.
the record is 21 days but it's bad to hold it that long
You shouldn't hold it in. You can get a bladder infection.
They relax to hold your pee and contrast when you want the pee to get out.
almost as bad as dog pee on your underwear
Not long little kids say mom or mommy I have to go to the bathroom or I have to pee and then cry that they can't hold it after a while.
Cross your legs...
yes, they can. by tightening and loosening the muscels than hold in pee, they can control the speed of oir pee
I like to pee myself because of the feeling. I usually hold it hold it hold it until I can't anymore and pee in my pants. It feels so good and warm
i don't think so as pee is hold in the bladder how can it go to the blood CMIIW GORDON FREEMAN RULEZZZZZZ lol
You are too drunk to wake up when you need to pee.