while he is asleep stick his hand in ice water
warm water makes them pee
Yes I think so cuz I myself pee a lot. Yes I think so cuz I myself pee a lot.
Yes set a alarm and get up in the middle of the night to pee
She'd had five hours of sleep a night
Dip his hand into warm water while he is asleep.
I like to pee myself because of the feeling. I usually hold it hold it hold it until I can't anymore and pee in my pants. It feels so good and warm
Yes. only if you are asleep and the water is warm. the warm water relaxes the persons muscles and they pee.
If I was out camping and there was no bathrooms I would not pee myself. If I had to go to the bathroom I would find a spot out on my own to go pee near a bush or behind a tree.
From TV I would say if there asleep then put there hand in warm water