while he is asleep stick his hand in ice water
Stick their hand in some warm water while their asleep -XD
If there is any change in f acial expression you'll know when to stop
Yes. only if you are asleep and the water is warm. the warm water relaxes the persons muscles and they pee.
Putting your hand in water can stimulate the nerves in your body, which can send a signal to your brain that it's time to pee. This is because the nerves that control your bladder and the nerves in your hand are connected in the spinal cord.
Only you know the answer to the question. We are not the psychic network .
Dip his hand into warm water while he is asleep.
put their hand in a bowl of water while their asleep Use ice cold water. i tried it. it works!!! soo funny to watch them just let go! warm and hot water works to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once there hansd is in the water wait a minute and watch it all flow out..........for even better effects make them drink like 2 liters of coke as a dare or something before they go to bed.
From TV I would say if there asleep then put there hand in warm water
Yes, on the same principle as putting someone's hand in water. Have seen this work in college.
Do the hand in warm water trick. You put the persons hand in warm water and wait a little bit. Then the person pees.