How fertile a woman is after menstruation depends on the woman and on her menstrual cycle. During the average 28 day cycle a woman is most likely to ovulate on day 14 and can be fertile between days 7-16 - if a woman's cycle is shorter she could ovulate directly after menstruation so be at her most fertile.
I believe that you mean your fertile period, this means the time during your menstrual cycle that you are able to get pregnant. During a typical 28 day cycle a woman would be fertile from day 7-16.
It depends on her cycle, but very likely. A woman is fertile during ovulation (which is typically two weeks before menstruation) and up to a week beforehand when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present - thus during an average 28 day cycle a woman will be fertile potentially days 7-16 of her cycle.
Yes, a woman can get pregnant after her period. During a typical 28 day cycle a woman would be fertile around days 7-16 - everyone is different, so when a woman is fertile depends on her cycle, but unless using FAM she has no way of knowing when she is fertile. If sexually active then always use birth control to prevent unintended pregnancy.
The possibility of getting pregnant after your period is reasonably high, but depends on your menstrual cycle. During the typical 28 day cycle a woman would be fertile around days 7-16, but if your cycle is longer you may not be fertile directly after your period.
You're only fertile for around 10 days of your cycle at most, when you are fertile depends on your cycle and you can't determine when you're fertile unless using fertility awareness method. During a typical 28 day cycle a woman will be fertile around days 7-16.
if a woman has a regular menstrual period then her most fertile day is the 14th day from LMP (last menstrual period). say she has her last menstruation march 30 , she has to count 14 days from march 30 then that would mean her fertility period is April 13.
There is nothing dangerous during the menstrual cycle, if you mean when a woman can get pregnant then it depends on her cycle - the only way to know when a woman is fertile or not would be to use fertility awareness method. During a typical 28 day cycle a woman is most likely to be fertile during days 7-16, but everyone's cycle is different and can vary one cycle to the next.
Yes, a woman can get pregnant immediately after her period. If she has a short menstrual cycle it is possible for her to ovulate directly after menstruation, or certainly she may be fertile directly after menstruation.
Menstrual cycle is the periodic bleeding that happens in woman in her fertile period of life. Menses or periods lasting for few days when they happen again and again after some period of days is called menstrual cycle.
Menstrual cycle is your reproductive cycle, if you are a healthy fertile woman then you're always on your menstrual cycle - I think that you mean during your period. Yes, you can go tanning while on your period, there's nothing that you can't do while menstruating.
When you're fertile depends on your menstrual cycles - unless you use fertility awareness method you can't know when you are fertile. During a typical 28 day cycle a woman would be fertile around days 7-16 of their menstrual cycle, so potentially fertile two days after menstruation.