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Anything perfume, deoderent free.. Like better safe then sorry, just go with scent freakin free!! Don't give them any reason to doubt you!! Especially like not f'in soap!! And trust me they can get pretty picky!!

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Q: What kind of soaps can you use while on scram?
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Do foaming soaps use unnessesarily more water than less foaming soap?

no. solubility properties of both kind of soaps are same.

What kind of non-allergenic hand soap do you recommend?

People who are allergic to soap have a few different options. I suggest they use aveeno soaps, which has oatmeal in it which helps soften skin, or they can use olive oil soaps.

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Does a scram bracelet detect meth?

SCRAM bracelets are designed to detect alcohol consumption through sweat. They are not specifically designed to detect methamphetamine use.

How do i beat the scram bracelet?

Use other drugs

What kind of soap can you use?

You can use any gentle, fragrance-free soap for cleaning your hands and body. Look for soaps that are pH-balanced to maintain the skin's natural barrier. Avoid soaps with harsh chemicals or fragrances that can irritate the skin.

Why do people still use ivory?

Some people can't use other soaps because they have different kind of skin.

Does the SCRAM Bracelet detect marijuana use?

No, the SCRAM bracelet is designed to detect alcohol consumption through skin sweat. It does not detect drug use, including marijuana.

Does THC show up on scram?

Yes, THC can be detected on SCRAM devices. SCRAM devices are able to detect alcohol consumption and certain drugs by analyzing sweat, which can contain traces of THC after marijuana use.

Is safe to use herbal soap while pregnant?

You are requested to use plane soaps or glycerine soap during pregnancy. Some of the herbs can be harmful.

Can you use soaps and synthetic detergents to check the hardness of water?

Yes, you can use soaps and synthetic detergents to check the hardness of water. Hard water forms insoluble scum when mixed with soap, while soft water produces lather easily. If soap forms scum rather than lather, the water is likely hard.