The hourly rate for medical assistants in Atlanta, Georgia varies by the type and size of the practice as well as the individual's level of experience. They typically make anywhere from $9 to $15 an hour.
$9.00-$16.40 I think
Medical Office Assistant's hourly rate varies depending upon experience according to Payscale website. Experience:Hourly rate 1-4yrs - $ 9.96 - $13.15 5-9yrs - $11.14 - $14.97
Most medical assistants, whether in Massachusetts or anywhere else in the USA, will state when asked that they do not feel adequately compensated for the work they do. Their hourly wage usually starts at $9.50 for new graduates, and averages between $10.50 and $13.50 per hour in Massachusetts, depending on experience and professional certification status. Some specialty physician's pay more.
On average, a nursing assistant in the United States makes $24,980 a year, which is a mean hourly wage of $12.01, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) as of 2009. The bottom 10 percent of those assistants earned an hourly rate of $8.42 or $17,510 a year, while the top 10 percent earned an hourly rate of $16.33 or $33,970.
about 5-10,000 dollars a 6 hour shift
Hourly rates for childcare assistants can vary based on location, experience, and qualifications. On average, childcare assistants in the United States earn between $10 to $15 per hour. It is best to research specific job postings in your area for more accurate information.
What is the hourly rate for mechanical engineer
BLS FiguresAccording to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2010 median pay for medical office assistants averages for $28,860 annually. As far as hourly rates go, medical office assistants can earn $13.87 per hour. Indeed.com, on the other hand, forecasts a higher rate for medical assistants, ranging between $36,000 and $45,000. These rates go higher depending on the job title, seniority level, place of work and state.Rates are also bound to increase as the job outlook for medical office assistants gets better. As of 2010, there are 527,600 medical office assistants employed in the US. The profession is also expected to grow by 31 percent in this decade, which is deemed by experts as much faster than the average.Factors that Influence Salary RatesThe ability to maximize one's salary as a medical office assistant will depend on cost of living of the state, one's spending habits and number of dependents. At $28,000 or more though, a medical office assistant would be capable of paying for their bills and supporting a family of four. Not bad for a starting salary. Single individuals, of course, would not have a problem with this running rate.
BLS FiguresAccording to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2010 median pay for medical office assistants averages for $28,860 annually. As far as hourly rates go, medical office assistants can earn $13.87 per hour. Indeed.com, on the other hand, forecasts a higher rate for medical assistants, ranging between $36,000 and $45,000. These rates go higher depending on the job title, seniority level, place of work and state.Rates are also bound to increase as the job outlook for medical office assistants gets better. As of 2010, there are 527,600 medical office assistants employed in the US. The profession is also expected to grow by 31 percent in this decade, which is deemed by experts as much faster than the average.Factors that Influence Salary RatesThe ability to maximize one's salary as a medical office assistant will depend on cost of living of the state, one's spending habits and number of dependents. At $28,000 or more though, a medical office assistant would be capable of paying for their bills and supporting a family of four. Not bad for a starting salary. Single individuals, of course, would not have a problem with this running rate.
BLS FiguresAccording to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2010 median pay for medical office assistants averages for $28,860 annually. As far as hourly rates go, medical office assistants can earn $13.87 per hour. Indeed.com, on the other hand, forecasts a higher rate for medical assistants, ranging between $36,000 and $45,000. These rates go higher depending on the job title, seniority level, place of work and state.Rates are also bound to increase as the job outlook for medical office assistants gets better. As of 2010, there are 527,600 medical office assistants employed in the US. The profession is also expected to grow by 31 percent in this decade, which is deemed by experts as much faster than the average.Factors that Influence Salary RatesThe ability to maximize one's salary as a medical office assistant will depend on cost of living of the state, one's spending habits and number of dependents. At $28,000 or more though, a medical office assistant would be capable of paying for their bills and supporting a family of four. Not bad for a starting salary. Single individuals, of course, would not have a problem with this running rate.