The LD50 (the point at which 50% of people would die) for MDMA is estimated at about 4000mg.
That being said, most ecstasy pills do not only contain MDMA. Since every pill is different, and you have no way of knowing how much of what is in each pill, there is no realistic answer for your question.
it depends on the sufficent amount of h2o
Ithe is a kikuyu word which means father in English.
The English meaning of the Kikuyu word ithe is father.
He can sign itHe can veto itHe pocket veto itcan't hlep you there
it ithe credit facility for working capital requirement and the interst is payable on the usge. it ithe credit facility for working capital requirement and the interst is payable on the usge. In cash credit facility you can take out money of fixed amount even you have no cash in your account and you have to pay in within a time limit.
ithe amount you are supposed to eat
In Malayalam, you can say "നന്ദി" (nandi) to express that something is nice.
By burning ithe s**t out of it
The prefix for carcinoma is "carcino-".