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Food helps meet physical needs be giving you strength and energy. Also, it gives us important nutrients.

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Q: How does food help meet physical needs?
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Answer this question… the production, preservation, and distribution of food to meet society's needs.

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Some examples of foods in the protein group that can help meet daily nutritional needs include lean meats like chicken and turkey, fish, eggs, tofu, beans, and nuts.

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Through its mouth.

How do families meet physical needs?

Physical needs are often called tangible needs because they can be seen or touch.It is where the family members need space wherein to put their possesions or any kinds.The question of yours is 'How do families meet physical needs'. There are no answer to your question because families are either our furniture to be comfortable and safe.

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How do Japanese people meet their basic needs for food?

i love you

How does a cheetah meet its needs for food or water?

because their fast

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he kills animals for food

What animal can help meet it's needs?

Koalas and Pandas