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To put it bluntly.....NO

Cold Shower - ONLY DO IF SLIGHTLY DRUNK. If you stumble you might seriously hurt yourself so have someone assist you.

Food - Might soak up some of the alcohol.

Make yourself get sick - will get some NOT all of the alcohol out of your system. On average 10% of the alcohol.

'Break the seal.' - Urinating will slowly but surely remove the alcohol.

Drink A LOT of water - will help break the seal and also replace the alcohol in your blood stream with H2O [water]


Drugs - drugs [legal or illegal] will make it worse.

The best cure is TIME and WATER.

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Q: When im drunk can you take anything that will help you act normal?
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If you had a great deal to drink you could certainly still be legally drunk 24 hours later. I would not say it was normal though. If you got really drunk, it's normal to feel "a bit drunk" up to 24 later. It's called a HANGOVER. Your head is fuzzy, you're dehydrated, and your electolytes are probably off the scale. Contrary to popular belief, black coffee, fresh air or a cold shower doesn't help. Only TIME helps. During that time, don't drink any alcohol, drink juices like Gatorade, and eat small, healthy meals and take a multi-vitiman. THEN, be good to yourself and your liver! BEST, ADR I've been drunk 24+ hours after drinking. If you drink enough, it's possible. Not good or normal, though. After a binge, even when blood alcohol has returned to zero, brain function is still impaired- especially reflexes. this has been studied in driving simulators.

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Just take anything they aren't gonna kill ya, they are normal people u know! But i would suggest something not cheap but not really expensive, and pretty!! Just take anything they aren't gonna kill ya, they are normal people u know! But i would suggest something not cheap but not really expensive, and pretty!! Just take anything they aren't gonna kill ya, they are normal people u know! But i would suggest something not cheap but not really expensive, and pretty!!

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you should always take your child to a physician if you have concerns about anything that does not seem normal, they will put your mind at ease and take care of anything that could be a health concern.

Is it safe to take acid when you are drunk and high?

Being high is ok, but take the acid first and then get high, not the other way around. Do not drink when you are on acid. Physically it can not do anything but it will mess you up mentally and ensure a bad trip.