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Q: Is tisane safe to use during your period?
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Can I use Tisane De Durbon during menstruation?

No it's a laxative! You need to see a doctor to find out why you don't get your period. If it's due to pregnancy you can have an abortion. If you are not pregnant there are medicine for different conditions and the doctor can prescribe that to you.

I did not wants to be pregnant during period cycle which days are safe to make sex?

There are no "safe" days to have sex. Use birth control.

Is it safe to have intercourse 3 days before your period?

Yes. Perfectly. However, if you wanted to avoid pregnancy, then you MUST use contraception. As you can get pregnant at any point during intercourse. Whether you are on your period or not.

Can you use monistat during your period?

Yes you can. According to Monistat's website, it's okay to use during your period.

Do you have to wear a pad during your period?

No, you don't have to wear tampons during your period. Most women start-off using pads, also if you use tampons or sponges you have to use pads as it's not safe to use tampons or sponges overnight, with light flow or throughout your entire period. You can use menstrual cups or softcups which don't require you to use pads at all, or there are options such as menstrual release that require nothing.

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my pregnant wife test positive inACA(anticardiolipin antibodyantibody Igm<21.9) her doctor suggested an injection named -enoxaparin sodium for the entire period is this medicine is safe during pregnancy and how long use this medicine

Is it safe to use charcole while pregnant?

Yes. It is safe to use the charcoal during pregnancy.

Is Gyno-Travogen cream safe to use during pregnancy?

Yes it is safe

Can metronidazole gel be used during your period?

yes u can use metronidazole gel during your period

Is it safe to use hydrogen peroxide during pregnancy?

According to my doctor it is completely safe!

Are vibrators safe to use during pregnancy?

Yes they are.