Yes, sex makes us feel good. Some prefers just the sex, others sex with someone they care for.
No. Sex is not good for girls. For women, sex is not good or bad; it is just sex. The only ways sex has bad side-effects are when: it is rape/incest; it causes STDs; it causes an unwanted pregnancy.
Girls with big butts are good for sex, but there is no hard and fast rule here. i would say skinny girls
none have sex with a friend
Sex is a partnership between two people if they have a rapor then the sex is particularly good. but remember sex is like piza when its good its great when its not its usually still ok.
because it feels good
It feels good and they love it!
It is not good to watch Mean Girls because it has a lot of bad references to young girls. For example, like teen drinking, drug references, sensuality, and sex.
yes that gives a great feel of excitement and makes sex more nice.Its good to moan and that will lead to a good sex.
Sex with other girls is called being a lesbian.
it brings u good luck , good looking , and you love to have sex with girls
When a guy sticks his Location into a girls Destination They create a vast population which is good Sex is good
no you stick your penus into a girls vigina and have sex (it feels good yeah!) and out comes the baby!
boys say that lesbains sex is good because they never did it wit a boy they only did it with girls before. only reason boys say that is good because they only wanna have 3 some with 2 lesbain but i think that lesbians cant do a better job then girls that are straight and been having sex with the boys