A person or an animal commonly moans as an expression of its feelings or physical or psychological condition. People or animals moan if they are in pain, struggle or work hard on something, when having intercourse or sports and many other activities.
IF you want to have sexual relationships with the other person.Translation: 'Do you want to have sex?'
Most girls are daddy's girls - this is the term for when a daughter is very close to her father and feels more of an emotional connection with him than with her mother. Most girls bond with their fathers, and boys bond with their mothers - it's the normal way for children to learn how to connect with the opposite sex.
It is another word for girl and the other Spanish word for girl is chica.
sex = sexo
Yes, it bad and there is sex and girls having sex with each other
Most girls date other girls because girls are more understanding than guys.. they knkow how it feels to get their heart broken so its about love and not just sex.
he was at a strippers having sex with other girls.
Because he wants sex.
he was at a strippers having sex with other girls.
They all like to have sex and get preagenet
Its having sex with three girls after watching them doing it with each other
take em both out and have sex with one a night and on the other night with the other.
The students were differentiated by sex...the boys on one side and the girls on the other.
not all girls think about sex all the time
I would say it depends on which way you like other girls. If it's in a friend like way, I would say no. But if you have sexual thoughts,preferences to other girls, then it may be a case of bi_sexual tendencies.
sex,boobs,vagina, and other things haha jk