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You might want to check with a gynecologist. No, this is not normal. Go see the gynecologist.

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Q: Is it normal to bleed dark blood with little clots in it after intercourse?
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Is it normal for people to feel pain and bleed after intercourse?

if you are a girl who has just lost there virginity then yes. there is a thin membrane covering the vagina called the hymen which, when you have sex for the first time or do any activities like horse riding, gymnastics etc will tear which make make you bleed a little. which is perfectly normal. if it is any more than a little blood or it happens frequently i would consult a doctor.

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It's not normal for any animal to pee blood. Take your little guy to the vet. D:

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Yes you can, HIV can be transferred from one to another trough blood or sexual intercourse. If an HIV infected person's blood had to come in contact with somebody else's the transfer of HIV is highly possible.

Is it normal after an ultrasound to bleed a little bit of bright red blood?

Spotting is okay, but period bleeding is bad and if that is your case, you should see a doctor right away.

Is it normal to bleed after a womb scraping. Especially when it's heavy bleeding and blood clots on the third day after the procedure?

Yes, it's normal to bleed 1-2 weeks.

Is it normal to bleed during intercourse the day after you finish your period?

No, it is not normal too urinate blood at any time. The blood is coming from the uterus via the vagina; urine comes from the bladder via the urethra. Now when you are on your period it might look like there is blood in your urine, but there is not, so if you are now urinating blood, then there is something wrong.

Will a virgin bleed the first time how?

A virgin will bleed during sexual intercourse unless her hymen is already penetrated. If the hymen is not penetrated the girl may bleed and have discomfort but it will not at all be alot of blood. the pain will go away eventually after the hymen is penetrated.

Bleeding from the anus when going to the bathroom is this normal?

Yes, it is completely normal to bleed from your anus when taking a dump. I normally spew out so much blood, there is more blood then Excrement.

Is it common for a dog to bleed after a vaccination?

The site of injection can probably bleed a little bit, just like your arm does when you get a blood test. Should not be too much blood, if there is, check your vet.

Why did your penis bleed and pass large blood clots during sexual intercourse?

.You're asking that question here? You need to get to your PCP or urologist as soon as possible.

What does it mean to keep passing blood clots on your period?

It's normal. The uterus lining is shredding so you bleed fresh blood which has to clot.

I bleed like a normal period the blood sort of looked pink to me. I stopped bleeding and had a lot of brown discharge.Then I spotted a little again Then 2 0r 3 i spotted and that was it?

hahaha you have swine flu