Yes, it is completely normal to bleed from your anus when taking a dump.
I normally spew out so much blood, there is more blood then Excrement.
It all depends where the bleeding occurs. If the bleeding is in the stomach or small intestine, the blood will likely be clotted by the time it reaches the anus, and that will make the feces dark in color and tarry in consistency.If the bleeding is in the rectum or anus, then you will see fresh blood on what is otherwise normal feces.
Yes.Bleeding its often a sing of a a blood vesel in anus its ruptured .
To use the bathroom.
rectal bleeding can be a complication of diverticular disease.
my anus is bleeding
consult your doctor
Once you pass and/or are going through puberty, yes.
yes they do, all dogs do when they're in heat
It is never normal to bleed from your anus, any more than it's normal to bleed from your skin. If this is a one-time event, monitor it but don't panic; it could be something as minor as a hemorrhoid flareup. If the bleeding continues, or is accompanied by pain or cramps, have someone take you over to your hospital's emergency room. Better safe (and embarrassed) than sorry.
You go to the emergency room.
Sometimes the hole of your anus itches because you are not wiping enough after you use the bathroom.