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yes it is normal. I was late when I first started too. Just wait it out, but if you dont have it after 2 months, i would call your OBGYN

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Q: Is it normal to be a month late for your period if you just started taking the pill?
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If i am taking birth control but i haven't started my period for the month should i be concerned?

You can miss a period when you are the pill and it totally normal do not stop taking your pills!!!! Just take a pregnancy test if it says you are not pregnant then you are not pregnant. Your period should come the next month if seek medical attention.

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Yeah its normal :-) i just started retaking it been on it 5 yrs :) am only 22 lol

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Your menstrual cycle basically reset after you took the Plan B. Wait a month from your last period, not from your normal cycle.

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No, your period will not become heavier than normal if you take Advil one month and not the next. Taking Advil will not effect your periods in this way.

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No normally your period should only come once a month but if your period has just started then they usually take a while to settle into a pattern. If it continues you should visit a doctor.

Is it normal to have a period for a month?


Is it normal to miss your period the next month while taking Yaz birth control?

I've been on yaz for 5 months and never miss a period

Is it normal to get your period twice a month?

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I have started taking the pill this month and this is the 3rd time i have had a period this month. what should i do?

you should stop taking the pill and ask a doctor for a new prescription and tell him the sidafects you were having so he doesn't prescribe to anyone ELES! This happened to me and a friend when beginnign on the pilland is normal I think. Don't stop taking it. Keep following the intructions and itll stop at the end off your next expected period. this one should be normal length and it should fall into more of a pattern, you just have to allow your body to adjust.

Is it okay if you started taking your birth control pill the day after your period ended?

You really should of taken the pill the day your period started so it doesnt alter your cycle. But yes its ok but your period may be late next month.

Is it normal to have your period twice a month?

If your period arrives on the 1st of the month and then you have a second period on 28-31st of that month then this is normal. If your cycle is not like the one above then this isn't normal. Se your doctor as you may have a hormonal imbalance or be pregnant.

Is it normal if you took birth control for a week and started it the first day on Sunday and stopped taking it on Saturday and then got your period again on the following Tuesday?

Well, if you stopped taking it completely that might cause a flux in your hormones and start your period. The pill regulates the hormones in your body so you don't become pregnant. It kind of makes your body think your pregnant. Also, depends on when you started taking the pill. Was it at the beginning of your period or the end? Each one is different. Maybe you should ask the doctor or clinic you got them from.