When your a teenager you need as much sleep as you can get, because you will be more alert during the day and you will be able to think clearer. You need to get as much sleep as you can :) Kautilya-I agree.But actually it depends,if u are exhausted,let your body rest as much as it wants.But usually for every teenager,8 hours of sleep is very necessary.
The average person should be getting around 8 hours of sleep but teenager's sometime's need more. I would sudgest a steady 9 hours of sleep.
The average 7th grader should get atleast 8-9 hours of sleep. No lower than that.
Lions sleep more on their side then on their backs.
people need between 8 to 11 hours of sleep depending on their age and health. For example; a teenager needs a minimum of 9 hours of sleep a night while an adult only needs between 7 to 9. The more sleep a person gets, the better it is for their well being.
Well....Teenagers 13-16 need 10 hours of sleep... This can also make you grow and girls you want breasts at 11- 16 you would have to drink about 4-5 cups of 3.6% of milk a day
About 8 to 10 hours.
Um . . . thats good, because when you sleep you grow (if you are a teenager or younger). You also need your sleep to function the next day.
not more than 11mg.
The average adult should be getting 7 to 8 hours sleep regularly for good health.
Ages 13-18 need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep. Adults between 25 and 64 years of age need an average of 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Adults 65 and older need 7 to 8 hours per night.