The average person should be getting around 8 hours of sleep but teenager's sometime's need more. I would sudgest a steady 9 hours of sleep.
A fourteen year old should get nine hours of sleep each night.
A nine year should be getting 9-12 hours of sleep.
anywhere between 8 to 10 hours of sleep
Teenagers should be getting 7-8 hours sleep minimum.
at age 76 you should be getting between 10 and 12 hours of sleep each night
Get a night light, sleep with the lights on, or grow up.
I have sleep apnea and I am taking seraquil. Does this cause me to have shallow breathing?
i think that the two of you should go slow for a while until the both of you decide that your ready to talk about getting intimate. You should save it with someone you love.What if, boy or girl, you want to have sex and there isn't anybody you love?
Sleep deprivation which can cause all kinds of problems if you are a adult you should get at least 8 hours, if you are a teen you should get more.
16 and over need to get at least 8 hours sleep :)
Sometimes stress can prevent someone from getting a good night's sleep. It is typically recommended that people get seven to nine hours of sleep a night.
Bugs Weather No Electric/Water Getting Dirty Uncomfortable Sleep