There is a 100% correlation.
For example, the liver correlates with the emotions of anger, frustration and depression. If the liver is congested, the end result is typical one or a combination of these emotions.
The gall bladder is associated with decision making.
For a complete list of correlations and what can be done to correct and adjust, please go to
There are 6 dimensions in wellness. They are: 1. Physical Wellness 2. Emotional Wellness 3. Intellectual Wellness 4. Spiritual Wellness 5. Social Wellness 6. Environmental Wellness
A. emotional wellness B. intellectual wellness C. interpersonal and social wellness D. spiritual wellness
The different types of wellness are physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, and environmental.
Physical, Mental (emotional), Spiritual
Intellectual wellness is one of many dimensions of wellness. Intellectual wellness means to have the ability to think clearly, make sound or responsible decisions, and to accomplish a complex tasks appropriate to age and level of development. Intellectual wellness is having mental competency to respond accordingly to life's challenges.
Wellness is keeping a balance among the three elements in the health triangle
they are part of health
they are part of health
The six components of health are:PhysicalEmotionalSocialEnvironmentalMentalSpiritualsocialmentalphysicalHEALTH
physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual health
Mental/ Emotional, Social, and Physical
Project wellness