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Q: How do you avoid bad smell from mouth?
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My mouth have very bad smell when I am eating something than that time don't have any bad smell when I am not eating something than my mouth have very bad smell now what to do to finish this bad smell?

try a breath mint.answ3. You probably have some tooth decay, and a visit to a dentist is called for.

When you sneeze it smells bad?

My sneezes smell because i don't cover my mouth, then all of my spit come spraying out of my mouth, then 2 seconds later if you sniff at the sneeze you sprayed will make a smell. i disagree with you it smell bad, i love the smell that's why i don't why to cover my mouth, all the spray from sneezes will smell, and i even smell other people sneezes. come and smell mines here....HACHOO!

You have bad smell from mouth?

Bad smell is not only a symptom of something poor dental hygiene. Bad smell may enamate from the stomach. In such cases go see your gp. You could also help by drinking lots of water.

How do you test if your mouth stinks?

You can cup your hand, blow into it, and then smell it. Or if someone else is brave, they can volunteer to smell your breath. Sometimes, you don't even need to test it. If you wake up with a bad taste in your mouth, you can pretty much assume you have bad breath.

Does smoking give bad breath?

Smoking deteriorates the gums over the years, causing a disease called periodontitis, which causes very bad breath. But most of all, the smoke itself smells bad, and when you inhale it in your body, your mouth keeps that horrible smell and you get extreme bad breath. If you smoke, most people won't tell you that you have bad breath, but they will avoid you.

Does diet make your mouth smell?

To some extent yes, but more likely bad breath is cause by poor dental hygiene and or a mouth/tooth infection.

When your sneeze smells bad what does it mean?

It means you either forgot to cover your mouth when you sneeze or didn't even try to cover your mouth. The reason why sneezes smell bad is because the amount of bacteria and old saliva that was in your mouth sprays into the air as a fine mist or droplet spray when you sneeze. People then would be able to smell your sneeze by breathing in your saliva that was in the air when you sneezed.

Do Mints Make Your Mouth Clean Or just Make Your Breath Smell Better?

They r actually really bad for ur teeth. But they do make ur mouth smell nice its ur choice to have them or not. Have a minty good time. Hope this helped.

Why would a sneeze smell?

It means you either forgot to cover your mouth when you sneeze or didn't even try to cover your mouth. The reason why sneezes smell bad is because the amount of bacteria and old saliva that was in your mouth sprays into the air as a fine mist or droplet spray when you sneeze. People then would be able to smell your sneeze by breathing in your saliva that was in the air when you sneezed.

Why do I fart outloud?

my guide on how to fart. first.tense your bum hard. push out your but. wait for the noise and smell. if the smell is bad, accuse your friend of farting. they will say no, then you say, eew i can smell ya bum. they will shut up, and will feel abused. if the smell is bad, open the doors and windows or turn on the fan. try not to laugh, this will make it obvious. to avoid farting, avoid baked beans. you fart because enjoy it and it express's your feelings. the end.

Is there any perfume which can remove bad smell in your mouth?

There is no perfume. You need to use toothpaste and mouthwash. If you still have mouth odor problems, it may be because of dental cavities or you have sinus problems.

Do Beyonce have a mouth disease?

no how can it stink if she is a singer she would kill everyone if she opened her mouth to sing