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Q: Does laughter affect mood
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Can music affect mood?

music is mood

How does laughter affect your health?

It's good for your health.

What are the different types of laughter according to psychology, and how do they impact our emotions and behavior?

According to psychology, there are different types of laughter such as genuine laughter, polite laughter, and nervous laughter. Genuine laughter can improve mood and strengthen social bonds, while polite laughter is used to show politeness or agreement. Nervous laughter can indicate discomfort or anxiety. Laughter can impact our emotions by reducing stress and increasing positive feelings, and can influence behavior by promoting social connections and communication.

Can laughter affect your appearance?

no that's stupid so not true

Does Dance affect you mood?

yes. sad music:sad mood and so on... by jesica213

How does figurative language affect the mood?

It'll make the mood lighter and jovial.

Does mood affect bac?

No, your mood does not affect your BAC. Your BAC or blood alcohol level is only affected by the amount of alcohol you have consumed.

How do warm and cool colors affect the mood of a painting?

they either warm or cool the mood

What are the positive effects of laughter on emotional and physical health?

Laughter has positive effects on emotional and physical health. It can reduce stress, improve mood, boost the immune system, and increase endorphin levels. Laughter also helps to relax muscles, lower blood pressure, and improve overall well-being.

Does color of a room affect mood?


Can cat urine affect your mood?

Cat urine is made mostly of ammonia. This can affect a person's mood because it can make them light headed and dizzy.