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by touching your skin a lot on your face, it can bring out black heads.

you can lso get bacteria in your body if you bite your nails and eat dirty things which have fallen on the floor. You should wash your hands after touching something dirty to prevent this.

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Q: How do humans get germs in their body?
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Are germs important to everyday living for humans?

Yes germs take up parts of the body, I other words "Bacteria" although germs are usually regarded to bad bacteria, bacteria that might cause diseases.

How is cell leukemia spread among humans?

It is also spread by germs. But orignally this disease can be spread by the cells throughtout the body.

How do humans get germs on their body?

Humans can get germs on their body through direct contact with contaminated surfaces, objects, or other individuals. Germs can also be acquired by inhaling or ingesting them, or through cuts and wounds that provide entry points for bacteria and viruses. Practicing good hygiene, such as handwashing and avoiding contact with sick individuals, can help reduce the spread of germs.

How does your body battle against germs?

our body has blood which contains w b c which removes germs and fights against the germs

Are there more germs on a human or in a human?

Humans are germs, they breed and destroy their host like a virus.

Can animal blood be donated?

no cuz if an animals blood goes into a humans body then it will be germs and the person will get cancer and sickness and sadley die however if it's an annimal still it will only get germs BUT NEVER DONATE ANIMALS BLOOD

Do germs hide and attack unexpectedly?

No, germs are not alive and attack your body emediantly. Also you can prevent germs by being healthy and washing your body regularly.

Can germs spread?

Germs spread by any way. By air water and humans and animals. Many Germs can spread by touching the face or hands.

About how many germs on on the average humans hands?


Does your tongue have more germs than your lips?

yes every part of your body has germs but some germs are good.

Do animals have germs in their mouths that make humans sick?

They can the Komodo dragon has germs in it's mouth that will kill people.

What would germs do to the body if we had no skin?

The body is under constant attack by germs. Luckily thanks to the protective nature of our skin, germs cannot attack the bodily too easily. Without skin, germs would ultimately plague and take over the body as a result.