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Q: What are the preventive measures you can take to save ourselves from lead?
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When was The Way to Save Ourselves created?

The Way to Save Ourselves was created in 2008.

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How can you save ourselves from dengue fever?

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i don 't know.

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Why are trees important as regards flooding?

so we can climb them to save ourselves!

What can you do save ourselves from ozone depletion?

To save ourself from ozone depletion, we mustPlant more treesAvoid using CFC's.

What are reasons to save and to not save Earth?

We are not capable, as humans, to save or not save the Earth. We should be more concerned about saving ourselves. The Earth will exist for many more hundreds of millions of years with or without us.

Why have measures to save the European union not been initiated?

With the tight integration of the euro in the European Union, it is difficult for each nation to save their own economy without risking the well being of all other nations within the European Union. With the current instability, a collapse of the euro could lead to a situation similar to that of the Lehman brothers fallout. This leaves economists timid to apply any type of strong measures to save the EU.

How do you save ourselves from man made disasters?

By making sure that their iz security in one country.

Why do human use buildings?

to save space To protect ourselves and our belongings from the climate, the seasons and the weather.

What have we learned from Harriet Tubman to improve ourselves?

that she was a very courageous woman that tried to save her people.