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Q: How do friends influence your health?
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Friends can be a good influence to your life. They can also be bad. But, 1 thing most important is that you understand your friends. Try also to convert them if you can see that they have wrong doings. You can be an influence in your friends life too. Remember that you are also a friend.

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Friends influence decision when you share most problems with them. During this process they make suggestions which are adopted as solution.

What can influence a person's health status?

Medical care, gentic makeup, and lifestyle decisions can all influence a person's health status.

What factors influence you health?


What are the factors that influence the health equilibrium?

the factors that affect the health equilibrium is the

What environmental factors cannot influence your health status?

Very few environmental factors absolutely cannot influence your health. Perhaps only smells cannot have a strong impact on your health.

What is a negative influences on community health?

A lack of health resources becomes a negative influence on community health.