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Medical care, gentic makeup, and lifestyle decisions can all influence a person's health status.

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Q: What can influence a person's health status?
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What percentage of influence does lifestyle have on a person's health status?

Lifestyle has approximately 40 percent influence on a person's health status. However, this can vary based on each person.

Which of the following enviromental factors do not influence your health status?


Medical care contributes what percentage to a persons total health status?

10 percent

What percentage of influence does lifestyle have on a person's health?

Lifestyle has approximately 40 percent influence on a person's health status. However, this can vary based on each person.

What environmental factors cannot influence your health status?

Very few environmental factors absolutely cannot influence your health. Perhaps only smells cannot have a strong impact on your health.

Which of the following environmental factors can influence your health status?

Traffic light telephone poles

What are different factors that can influence the needs and wants of people?

. Age, gender, occupation are the main factors which influence our needs and wants. Socio-economic status would also affect a persons wants.

Define health status?

health status is the current status of your own health which includes the status of your wellness, fitness and underlying disease or injuries.

What environmental factors can influence your health status?

Exposure to hazardous substances in the air, water, soil, and foodNatural and technological disastersPhysical hazards

Name the four influences on health status state the relative proportion of each influence and describe the control an individual has over each influence.?

Four influences on health status are lifestyle, environment, age, and attitude. A person has no control over age, but they do have control over their attitude and lifestyle. Environment is something that some people have control over, and some people do not.

What is the definition of status?

condition, such as health status.

The impact of social change on the health status of society?

Social change can positively influence health status by improving access to education, healthcare, and resources for vulnerable populations. Conversely, negative social changes like discrimination, poverty, and environmental degradation can lead to poorer health outcomes and disparities within society. It is important to address social determinants of health to create a more equitable and healthy society.