Yes. I still had a TripTone package and called them. 1-800-952-5080 is Church & Dwight Co. They informed me that the product had been acquired by Insight Pharmaceuticals, 1-800-344-7239. Insight then informed me TripTone had been discontinued.
Some helpful information from the package that may help you locate something similar.
Active ingredient - 50mg Dimenhydrinate
Inactive ingredients - croscamellose sodium, dicalcium phosphate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose
Other information - each tablet containes 30mg calcium
I saw the below on a blog about TripTone being discontinued and plan on checking into it and maybe trying.
"at CVS we found a house brand product simply labeled CVS Motion Sickness Original Formula. Same active ingredient and dose. Also the same inactive ingredients in the same order."
In my experience, yes they do. My wife got motion sickness within minutes every time she flew in small airplanes. She took these puills and went up for the first time with no motion sickness at all.
dramamine or any motion sickness pills as long as ur not allergic
Ginger will certainly help with reducing motion sickness, I personally prefer to use candied ginger, but I like the taste. The capsules and pills will do fine, and in a pinch flat ginger ale will work too.
The recommended dosage instructions for giving Cerenia pills to a cat with motion sickness are typically 2 mg per kg of body weight, given once daily. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian for the specific needs of your cat.
Just stop taking them
* Dristan cold medicine * Doans Pills (for back pain) * Dramamine (for motion sickness) * Dime-A-Tap cold medicine
Cerenia pills are used in cats to prevent vomiting and motion sickness. They are effective in reducing nausea and vomiting, making travel and medical procedures less stressful for cats.
They weren't discontinued. Still available at numerous drugstores nationwide.
* dental floss * Dial soap * diet pills * denture cream * Dristan cold medicine * Dimatap cold medicine * Dramamine (pills for motion sickness) * deodorant * Desitin ointment (diaper rash) * Doans Pills (for backaches) * Dalcolax (stool softener)
Some pills may have been took of the market because of health risks, or possible abuse.
A lot of people get over it once they get used to the sensation and start traveling more-until then there are over the counter motion sickness pills that will help and just start with short trips and build up. It can often be reduced by looking far into the distance or by closing your eyes. Motion sickness medications can help some people (for me Dramamine only prevents vomiting, not the motion sickness... which just makes it feel even worse). There is no real cure, but carsickness won't kill you, its more of a nuisance for most people.
In really bad cases they can give you pills for motion sickness but this is something you have to discuss with your doctor. Never take any medication without asking him/her.