* dental floss * Dial soap * diet pills * denture cream * Dristan cold medicine * Dimatap cold medicine * Dramamine (pills for motion sickness) * deodorant * Desitin ointment (diaper rash) * Doans Pills (for backaches) * Dalcolax (stool softener)
Wipes and wet diaper are baby items.
Ear thermometer is a baby item. It begins with the letter e.
You can buy a xylophone in a shop. It begins with the letter x.
Queen bed is a household item.
Yule Yule-tide Yule logs.
Medicine cabinet items that begin with E include epsom salts, Excedrin, emory boards, Ecstacy, E (vitamin), Ephedra, Epinephrine, Echinacea...
Items beginning with an "i" include:iglooinsectinletislanditinerary
Head and Shoulders brand shampoo, hand lotion, hair spray and headache medication are items kept in a medicine cabinet.
rolling pin
ascotapronAnkel Socks
Jacket a jacket
Itchy and items are five letter words. They begin with the letters it.
I would like to add a cabinet hardware to my garage. Which items can I put in this cabinet to help me with repairs?
Wipes and wet diaper are baby items.