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Some pills may have been took of the market because of health risks, or possible abuse.

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Q: Why cold pills discontinued?
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Related questions

Why was doans pills discontinued?

They weren't discontinued. Still available at numerous drugstores nationwide.

Is it dangerous to use cold pills as sleeping pills?

you can use these pills,but in less dose.

Can you mix Vicodin and OTC drugs?

depends on what kind of otc..sleeping pills,allergy pills,some cold pills u can't do!!

Is drix similar to real cold pills?

In a way, yes. it fights infections like real cold pills but in the movie OSMOSIS JONES, he is symbolized as a cartoon character who freezes up infections.

Can you just stop taking lisinopril pills without side effects when you have a tickling constant cough?

lisinopril should be tapered slowly and not discontinued abruptly.

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Can you take Viagra pills with cold drinks?

is half of a 20mg viagra be effective

What are medicine cabinet items beginning with letter d?

* dental floss * Dial soap * diet pills * denture cream * Dristan cold medicine * Dimatap cold medicine * Dramamine (pills for motion sickness) * deodorant * Desitin ointment (diaper rash) * Doans Pills (for backaches) * Dalcolax (stool softener)

Do you need to refrigerate a cold water extraction with pills?

It is not necessary to refrigerate a cold water extraction with pills as long as it is stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat. Make sure to keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Where can you purchase EZ body slimmer pills?

I am guessing from all information I can locate that EZ Body Slimmer has been discontinued. However, if that is not the case you may be able to purchase them online.

How much do you need to get high off wal-tussin cough and cold?

15 to 20 pills

Can you take cold medication with diet pills?

Probably not, but these are questions for a pharmacist or doctor and not a web site.