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NO! Onions are actually a very potent anti bacterial anti fungal agent. To test this, rub an onion on any cut, it burns like crazy but it will help it heal faster.

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Q: Do onions draw germs
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Do onions have germs inside?


Do onions draw bacteria?

No, unfortunately it's a myth.

How does bacteria make pickled onions last longer than normal onions?

The pickling process creates an acidic environment that is inhospitable to bacteria, slowing down their growth and spoilage of the onions. The addition of vinegar or other acidic ingredients lowers the pH of the solution, inhibiting microbial growth and extending the shelf life of the pickled onions. Additionally, the salt in the pickling solution helps draw out moisture from the onions, further inhibiting bacterial growth.

What are the different types of cuts of onions?

* There are whit onions, Purple onions and all sort of onions * There are whit onions, Purple onions and all sort of onions

What is the plural possessive form of onions?

The plural possessive form of "onions" is "onions'".

Which end of onions do you cut first?

the side away from the stalk. I was taught to cut the stalk end first, because if you cut the other end you would "draw" the bitterness into the cucumber.

Do we breathe germs?

Yes, we breathe germs in, and we breathe our own germs out.

What happens if germs get near you?

Nothing. Germs have to be bad germs and have to get into you to harm you.

Are cocktail onions shrunken onions or small grown onions?

small grown

Do grasshoppers have germs?

Yes, of course grasshoppers have germs. Everything in our planet has germs

What is the plural of germs?

'germs' is plural, the singular is 'germ'.

Are onions fruit?

onions aren't fruit they are in-fact vegetables