No one knows, but personally I doubt it.
Yes you can. Some germs can survive in the microscopic water droplets that are propelled out of the nose or mouth when we breathe, therefore spreading the germs. How long the germs live is dependant on what the virus is, however.
Germs can enter the nose through the air we breathe, especially when in close contact with an infected person who coughs or sneezes. They can also be transferred by touching surfaces contaminated with germs and then touching the nose. Once in the nose, germs can multiply and cause infections.
Because germs cause pain in your breathing passages and do not let you breathe, so you sneeze to make them go away.
well they travel in the air which passes on to other people and other living organisms cause they breathe that in since it goes in the air!!!!!!!!!!!
Carbon Dioxide, and oxygen that hasn't been absorbed into your system, plus nitrogen as that is (I think) about 70% of the atmosphere. oh and little tiny germs.
The main function of tonsils is to trap germs (bacteria and viruses) which you may breathe in. Proteins called antibodies produced by the immune cells in the tonsils help to kill germs and help to prevent throat and lung infections.
fish die because ,when the water gets polluted, the germs run every where and die. by Victoria Rodriguez.
becaue of the hot air u breathe when you close your mouth it pick up the germs u have and spreads them around int he mouth in causes your breathe to be stink
Nothing. Germs have to be bad germs and have to get into you to harm you.
Your respiratory system is very effective at filtering dust and germs from the air. Tiny hairs called cilia and mucus membranes in the nasal passages and airways trap most harmful particles. These end up in the digestive tract and are killed by stomach fluids.
Yes, of course grasshoppers have germs. Everything in our planet has germs