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Tkmallet: What I do is Turn on a big loud fan (I KNOW IT SOUNDS CRAZY) or something that has a LOUD noise (Fans are the Best to me) and grab 1 - 3 pillows (3 best) and Just think of moments in my life time that were awesome or think of what I did today or what's going to happen during the week. Imagine ANYTHING I can then think of all noises you can hear from the fan (Like Example: Fan sounds like an Airplane) Relax and don't let anything frighten you or try talking. (Like if someones trying to wake you up, just let it go by) OR i put Slow or relaxing music (World of Warcraft Chosen songs by me that have no Rock Music) That's my answer! =)

• Try to clear your mind

• Play some soft music

• Drink a cup of warm milk

• Avoid sugary snacks

• And use the restroom before you lay down, so you can avoid having to wake up in the middle of the night to go

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Q: Can you make yourself fall asleep?
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you cant really make sleeping potions. you can make someone (or yourself) fall asleep by watching a really boring boring movie late at night and you will fall asleep :)

What do you make yourself fall asleep?

Drink warm milk or tea or take sleeping pills

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Does meditation help you to fall asleep fast?

Some medications do help to improve your sleeping. There are sleeping pills you can take to sleep easier and quicker than you would without one. I might suggest seeing a doctor as well.

What are some of the best remedies to help one fall asleep?

Having a bedtime routine is one way to help yourself fall asleep. There are prescription medicines that your doctor can prescribe to help you fall asleep. You can also try natural herbs like Melatonin.

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some people think if u fold the ears then twist them it'll make them fall asleep. but I've never tried it

What is a song that make you fall asleep?

Anything Coldplay.

Does honey make you fall asleep?

No, No, Most defenitly not.

Is it possible to catch yourself falling asleep?

Well, have you ever been in class and felt real drowsy and started to fall asleep? Then right before you do, your body kinda jerks and you catch yourself.

What is the difference between fall asleep and fell asleep?

Fall asleep is future tense Ex. I am going to fall asleep. Fell asleep is past tense Ex. I fell asleep.

How do you make someone fall asleep instantly?


Why does Professor Layton Luke and Flora fall asleep in the carriage near the bridge on Diabolical Box?

luke layton and flora fall asleep in the carrige because when the carriges swap the molentery express wants their passangers asleep so they use flowers that make you fall asleep