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Well, have you ever been in class and felt real drowsy and started to fall asleep? Then right before you do, your body kinda jerks and you catch yourself.

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Q: Is it possible to catch yourself falling asleep?
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Why do people jerk awake after falling asleep in class?

Sleep Start Or myoclonic jerk. It can sometimes happen just before people enter a deep sleep, no one is completely sure why it happens but the leading theories are that as your muscles relax you brain is fooled into thinking it is falling and wakes you abruptly so you can catch yourself. This may also have something to do with the fact that you may not be in a place where sleep is normal or allowed and your brain knows this, so the logical conclusion based on that, is that you would be falling. Many fewer people report this sensation in bed, it is usually reported when falling asleep somewhere else.

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When was Catch a Falling Star created?

Catch a Falling Star was created in 1957.

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Would You Catch a Falling Star was created in 1982.

When was Catch Me I'm Falling created?

Catch Me I'm Falling was created on 1984-06-01.

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Can you catch Groudon with timer balls?

yes it is possible but very unlikely unless he is paralyzed or asleep. I recommend having a Pokemon learn false swipe then use it so he doesn't die and put him asleep with another Pokemon. then use a ultra ball.

When you're on heroin do you get drowsy and your eyes close?

yes, that's called nodding out. it makes you feel very tired and you kinda start to fall asleep unless you catch yourself first.

There is a song and it goes I think I am falling for you or Catch me I am falling for you I think it was by a black male group but I am not sure Can anyone help me find the song please?

Catch me I'm Falling by the group Pretty Poison

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Catch a Falling Star - 2000 - TV was released on: USA: 5 March 2000