I think Gardevoir is a good Pokemon who learns Hypnosis at level 51
all pychic Pokemon can learn it except Abra
Hypnosis will not affect Pokémon with the ability Insomnia such as Noctowl or Vigoroth.
It Learn Hypnosis At Level 16 Must Catch Level 16
watchog can learn mean look at level 36, hypnosis at level 18, super fang at level 22, and hyper fang at level 32, thus making it a perfect pokemon for capturing other pokemon. the only flaw is that he cannot learn false swipe.
Hypnosis, sleep powder, stuff like that...
Snorlax does not learn hypnosis.
Without hacking, Kadabra cannot learn Hypnosis.
Drowzee and Hypno are top choices. but most psychic Pokemon know/can learn Hypnosis.
Munna and Sigilyph.
Its not a TM. Your Pokemon has to learn it. like Gastly :) (Gengar in lvl 100 with hypnosis is pwnage :p)
you can catch a ralts on route 102 and put an everstone on it, then it will learn hypnosis at level 41
See the related link below.
Only certain Pokemon can learn it but you can't find the TM
Munna, the psychic pig, and Musharma, the bigger psychic pig, both learn Hypnosis at quite low levels.
lvl 41
Snorlax does not learn Hypnosis at all. There's no way of doing so except for cheating, not even through breeding.
Hypnosis is not a TM which is why you can't find it. There are some Pokemon who are able to learn it through leveling or who already have it. That's the only way to get it.