Hypnosis is not a TM or HM therefor you can not get it but Pokemon can learn it like Hypno, Drowzee, Tangela, Tangroth, and so many Pokemon and their evoulutions
If you have an Abra, the best hypnosis Pokemon is alakazam. So catch an Abra, evole it to a kadabra, the evolve it to an alakazam to have the best hypnosis Pokemon
Hypnosis is not a TM.
Drowzee and Hypno are top choices. but most psychic Pokemon know/can learn Hypnosis.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
Hypnosis is not a TM or HM therefor you can not get it but Pokemon can learn it like Hypno, Drowzee, Tangela, Tangroth, and so many Pokemon and their evoulutions
Unfortunately, Hypnosis is not a TM in Pokemon Black or White. You would have to get it by leveling up.
If you have an Abra, the best hypnosis Pokemon is alakazam. So catch an Abra, evole it to a kadabra, the evolve it to an alakazam to have the best hypnosis Pokemon
Hypnosis is not a TM.
hoothoot knows how to use hypnosis
There is no hypnosis TM
I think Gardevoir is a good Pokemon who learns Hypnosis at level 51
Hypnosis will not affect Pokémon with the ability Insomnia such as Noctowl or Vigoroth.
Drowzee and Hypno are top choices. but most psychic Pokemon know/can learn Hypnosis.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
he is not in Pokemon soulsilver or Pokemon heartgold