you take two Pokemon (boy and girl) to the day care outside (the city with the electric gym) and leave them there for a while. if you come back and the man outside the house is one square outside the fence, bingo!
wynaut at lv. 5
The egg in Emerald is a Wynaut. To get a togepi egg, you need to trade either a Togepi or Togetic over from another game (usually Fire Red or Leaf Green) then breed the pokemon with ditto (unless the togepi/togetic is the rare female, in which case any male pokemon from the fairy egg group will work).
You have to talk to the old woman in Lavaridge Town by the sand.
Wynaut is generally considered to be a good, but weak Pokemon. If you got it in Emerald, you may consider leaving it in the pokeball as it has a weak defense and offense.
no such thing
a regi cannot have a egg in any Pokemon game because they are nongendered
yes tou can
i don't have Pokemon emerald, but the answer is always the same. not how long. how many steps. walk ALOT and the egg will slowly start to hatch
you get a wynaut from the old lady
Salamence can only learn Hydro Pump as an egg move in Pokemon Emerald.