It all depends on which kind of Egg; Riolu eggs take longer to hatch than say, a Caterpie Egg. To be sure, go to or (must-know websites for Pokèmon Fans)
3000-5000 steps about im not 100% percent sure
It takes 10,496 steps for a Larvitar egg to hatch.
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It Takes 5100 Steps to Hatch Staryu EGG
keep it in your party, make a fire Pokemon as the leader so it will take less time to hatch
It all depends on which kind of Egg; Riolu eggs take longer to hatch than say, a Caterpie Egg. To be sure, go to or (must-know websites for Pokèmon Fans)
a week
it counts what kind of Pokemon it is
it will take 999999999999 steps to hatch a egg
3000-5000 steps about im not 100% percent sure
It takes 10,496 steps for a Larvitar egg to hatch.
you have to take 2500 steps or less depending on what Pokemon it is :'( ;P :P
pay me
Depends on the Pokemon inside the egg.
It Takes 5100 Steps to Hatch Staryu EGG
Every Pokemon is different. For example: Mareep takes about 5,120 steps to hatch while Burmy takes about 3,840 steps to hatch.