In your dreams
no u have to trade it from Pokemon sapphire with the gba to gc adapter.
If you go to route 1,there is a 1% chance you might find a feebass or a milotic,so if you find a milotic,problems solved,BUT!if you find a feebas,than thats still good,if you have a friend that has pkmn black/white,and you give feebas a beauty scale than trade,and trade back then you get a milotic
Milotic is a water pokemon, some people say its water/ground but it isn't.
You have to breed with a ditto if it is a male
Meowstic is #678 in the national pokedex, and it is a Psychic type Pokemon.
You need to evolve a feebas to get a milotic to do that you must maximize feebas's beauty stat by feeding it blue pokeblock made from a ganlon berry to get that berry you need to trade it from Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon xd gale of darkness.
Milotic is a Water type Pokemon.
Cynthia the Pokemon Champion has a Milotic in Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Platinum.
Feebas becomes Milotic
milotic of course
With another ds transfer a milotic to your game!
febas evolves into milotic
no all legendary Pokemon do not evolve.feels evolves into milotic.
truly they are all very good Pokemon but milotic and feralagator are the best
Milotic is a water pokemon, some people say its water/ground but it isn't.
You have to breed with a ditto if it is a male