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You need to evolve a feebas to get a milotic to do that you must maximize feebas's beauty stat by feeding it blue pokeblock made from a ganlon berry to get that berry you need to trade it from Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon xd gale of darkness.

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Q: Pokemon Emerald where is Milotic?
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What evovles into a Milotic on Pokemon emerald version?

febas evolves into milotic

Where you catch mitotic in Pokemon emerald?

You can't. You have to catch a Feebas & raise it into a Milotic.

Who is the best Pokemon on emerald to use agains t Milotic?

Sceptile's leaf blade

How do you catch Milotic in Pokemon Emerald?

Actually, it's impossible to catch Milotic in any Pokemon Game. But, it's possible to catch its pre-evolution, Feebas. To catch Feebas in Pokemon Emerald, there is a complicated way. But, I know that you can catch Feebas in Route 119. Hope I helped :)

Where to get rare water Pokemon in ruby?

If you want a really rare and strong water Pokemon than get a "Milotic". Milotic is the evolved form of feebas which is extremely hard to find. It is hard to explain how to get a Milotic but if you search "How to get a Milotic in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald?" In Google than you should find how to get it.

How do you get militoc in pokemon emerald?

The Tender Pokemon Milotic is identified by number 350. The way to obtain a Milotic in the Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald games for Nintendo Gameboy is to evolve the fish Pokemon Feebas, number 349. The evolution occurs by leveling up with the Max Beauty or if the Pokemon is holding a Prism Scale when traded.

Win Pokemon contests Pokemon emerald simplest way?

milotic with water (beauty) moves, holding blue scarf

Where do you find Moltic in Pokemon Diamond?

You Have to migrate a Feebas from Pokemon Ruby, Emerald or Sapphire, Max out it's friendship and it will evolve into a Milotic,

What are the champion's Pokemon in emerald?

Wailord Ludicolo Milotic Gyrados Whiscash Tentacruel, there all about 55-60lvl

How do you get milotec in Pokemon emerald?

Get feebas's beauty up to the max level train it one level and it will become Milotic.

How do you catch a Milotic in Pokemon emerald?

To catch a milotic, you'll have to go fishing. There is a chance you'll hook a Feebas. It is a veryrare chance, though. Once you catch it, you have to evolve it. It evolves into Mitolic.

Best three non-legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald not including the original starters in the game?

1. Milotic 2. Salamence 3. Flygon