sleep powder is not a TM it is learn manually by oddish and gloom and poliwag and poliwhirl and poliwrath and milotic
you get the fishing rods from fishermen.
You don't. because this game takes place in soviet russia, the electric type pokemon fin YOU.
Onix is the 95th Pokemon from the original 151. He is a rock type Pokemon who looks similar to a snake, but is made up of individual boulders. These individual boulders from a snake like body chain leading up to his head, which is also a boulder, but has a mouth, eyes, and a fin on the top of it.
In the radio tower you will fin d the basement key. After you get it stand in front of the grey part of the door and press A it will open.
Yellow Fin Tuna
you get the fishing rods from fishermen.
trade it with pokétransfer
mass outbreak
fin is the French word for finish or end and its the end of the credits
No, Peck is not a TM.
Its only on heartgold at route 30.
You don't. because this game takes place in soviet russia, the electric type pokemon fin YOU.
You have to beet the eliot 4 and after fin all Pokemon for both pokedexes so have fun . Patrick O'Neill
a betta is asleep for as long as it would lke tew if the lite is off theyll sleep they sleep above water lke if there dead but ther fin is still moving and there eyes are open
you can't you need a cheat or hack glitch code
yep there is just go to and you'll fin it under ds games
so far cheating but there mite be an event ime not sure on the detales