no all legendary Pokemon do not evolve.feels evolves into milotic.
Metagross with all-physical moves + agilityAnswerI think its Salamance,Milotic and maybe Metagross
NO Milotic is not a legendary but it is very differcult to get. First you have to get a Feebas (in the waterfall area of mount coronet on way to spear pillar), it's rare and hard to catch (use superod). Then you have to get it's beauty up to max (feed heaps of dry poffins) then level it up by one (don't use a rare candy).
milotic of course
Milotic is a Water type Pokemon.
yes, you can find febas and milotic in white. i already have febas but i still don't have milotic, according to my pokedex, milotic location is on route 1
swampert , milotic and castform
Metagross with all-physical moves + agilityAnswerI think its Salamance,Milotic and maybe Metagross
NO Milotic is not a legendary but it is very differcult to get. First you have to get a Feebas (in the waterfall area of mount coronet on way to spear pillar), it's rare and hard to catch (use superod). Then you have to get it's beauty up to max (feed heaps of dry poffins) then level it up by one (don't use a rare candy).
Simple... Invest in an action replay!! I have every single legendary.. And I steal trainers Pokemon easily:) Cynthia's Milotic is awesome!!
Milotic, Pikachu (with Light Ball), Salamence, Altaria, Kingdra, the three Regis (They aren't legendaries) etc...
1. Milotic 2. Salamence 3. Flygon
Feebas becomes Milotic
Milotic does not evolve any further.
Feebas evolves into Milotic.
milotic of course
Milotic is a Water type Pokemon.
yes, you can find febas and milotic in white. i already have febas but i still don't have milotic, according to my pokedex, milotic location is on route 1