Yes and no. If you don't have a Blaziken with blaze kick, no. If you do, breed it with something (not ditto) and there is a chance it will be Lucario. It will most likely have Blaze Kick.
Level Move 6 Agility 11 Pursuit 16 Mach Punch 16 Bullet Punch 21 Feint 26 Vacuum Wave 31 ThunderPunch 31 Ice Punch 31 Fire Punch 36 Sky Uppercut 41 Mega Punch 46 Detect 51 Counter 56 Close Combat
Most likely, it evolved too late to learn it.
Drain Punch is one of Scraggy's egg moves so you will need to get a female of either Scrafty or Scraggy as well as males of either Smeargle, Treecko, Grovlye, Sceptile, Mienshao, Mienfoo, Lucario, Kecleon or Spinda that knows Drain Punch and then you can put them into the Daycare and then you can get a Pokemon Egg from the Daycare Man that will hatch into a Scraggy that knows Drain Punch.
I recommend Lucario because Lucario can learn flash cannon, earthquake, close combat, aura sphere, psychic, and many more.
Lucario is very commonly used, it is fast and versatile, it can learn Ice, Thunder and Fire Punch from the move tutors, as well as moves like Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere by levelling up. It is frail towards the things it is weak to, like a 2x weakness to fire and 4x against ground.
Breed the scyther that you want and when it's level one, trade it holding the metal coat. After the trade it will evolve in Scizor. It will then learn bullet punch. I also think a move tutor can teach bullet punch to Scizor.
Lucario, an Aura Pokemon, learns aura spear at Start. Other moves Lucario can learn include power-up punch, low speed, brick break, and high jump kick.
Lucario is not capable of naturally learning Ice Punch however a Move Tutor in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 in Driftveil City will give it Ice Punch in exchange for 10 Red Shards.
you can breed a riolu egg with those moves if they where taught by a TM
level 1 it learns bullet punch
you have to get the move tutor to teach it to him by giving him a heart scale.
Bullet Punch in Pokémon Platinum can only be obtained through breeding (produce a egg). The Machop (hatched from the egg) will then eventually learn the move "Bullet Punch", while ordinary (Non-bred) Machamps (or any other evolutionary stage) cannot.More information can be obtained by going to the web-page through the "Related links" section below.
No, the only Dragon type move Lucario can learn is Dragon Pulse.
Sadly No... I wish it could! The only Fire type move Lucario can learn is Sunny day.
he can't.
Lucario learns Dragon Pulse at level 47.
buizel doesn't learn ice punch, but floatzel can learn ice punch