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you have to get the move tutor to teach it to him by giving him a heart scale.

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Q: At what level does Scizor learn Bullet Punch?
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How does scizor learn bullet punch?

Breed the scyther that you want and when it's level one, trade it holding the metal coat. After the trade it will evolve in Scizor. It will then learn bullet punch. I also think a move tutor can teach bullet punch to Scizor.

Which level does Scizor learn a steal move?

level 1 it learns bullet punch

What level does a duramaka learn fire punch?

Darumaka learn fire punch at level 22Hope I helped

When does a Hitmonchan learn Ice Punch?

It learn ice punch at level 36

When poliwrath learn mach punch at which level?

It doesn't learn Mach Punch.

What level does electabuzz learn ice punch?

He doesnt learn ice punch

What level does buizel learn ice punch?

buizel doesn't learn ice punch, but floatzel can learn ice punch

Can Pokemon learn new moves in Pokemon platinum?

What do you mean? Yes, there are some moveset changes. For example, Scizor gains bullet punch, while Rotom gains forms that it previously didn't have, and each form also learns new moves. The level-up learned moves are pretty much the same except on a few pokemon.

What level does aipom learn focus punch?

Aipom is a Fighting type Pokemon. It does not learn the powerful move Focus Punch naturally, but it can learn it by TM at any level.

What level does machamp learn dynamic punch?

Level 46.

What level does hitmochan learn his moves?

Level Move 6 Agility 11 Pursuit 16 Mach Punch 16 Bullet Punch 21 Feint 26 Vacuum Wave 31 ThunderPunch 31 Ice Punch 31 Fire Punch 36 Sky Uppercut 41 Mega Punch 46 Detect 51 Counter 56 Close Combat

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