Aipom is a Fighting type Pokemon. It does not learn the powerful move Focus Punch naturally, but it can learn it by TM at any level.
yes, it dose learn focus punch in pokemon pearl.
Darumaka learn fire punch at level 22Hope I helped
It doesn't learn Mach Punch.
He doesnt learn ice punch
buizel doesn't learn ice punch, but floatzel can learn ice punch
yes, it dose learn focus punch in pokemon pearl.
yes you can but it only takesaway 10 hp
poliwrath hypnosis focus punch
Darumaka learn fire punch at level 22Hope I helped
I ony now what he/she learns focus punch peck and fly i hope i helped
It learn ice punch at level 36
It doesn't learn Mach Punch.
He doesnt learn ice punch
buizel doesn't learn ice punch, but floatzel can learn ice punch
While leveling up, Scrafty learns; Facade, (Level 45) Rock Climb, (Level 51) Focus Punch, (Level 58) and Head Smash. (Level 65)
Level 46.