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Q: What level does pikachu learn mega punch?
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When does a Hitmonchan learn Mega Punch?

Hitmonchan learns Mega Punch at Level 41.

What level does mankey lean mega punch?

Mankey doesn't learn this technique naturally, but you can teach him TM01 (Mega punch) at any level.

Which levels do Raichu learn new moves?

Raichu doesn't learn any new moves, you have to teach them to pikachu and then evolve him/her into raichu. -Hope this helped!! :)

What level can snorlak learn mega punch?

Snorlax can learn that move via move tutor that move tutor is west of cerulean city but you can't get to him unless you go through mt moon.

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Gloom learns Mega Drain at level 23.

What moves can hitmonlee learn and when?

In FireRed and LeafGreen, Hitmonlee learns these attacks: Level 1 Double Kick, Revenge Level 6 Meditate Levle 11 Rolling Kick Level 16 Jump Kick Level 20 Brick Break Level 21 Focus Energy Level 26 High Jump Kick Level 31 Mind Reader Level 36 Forsight Level 41 Endure Level 46 Mega Kick Level 51 Reversal

How do you teach Aggron Metal Claw in Pokemon Emerald?

If its already a Level 14+ Aron, Lairon or Aggron - Use a heart scale to relearn Metal Claw. Aron learns it at level 13 though.

What level is mega drain can Sceptile can learn?

Only Treeko can learn Mega Drain at level 26 in all games. It evolves into Grovyle at level 16 and into Sceptile at level 36.

What level does hitmochan learn his moves?

Level Move 6 Agility 11 Pursuit 16 Mach Punch 16 Bullet Punch 21 Feint 26 Vacuum Wave 31 ThunderPunch 31 Ice Punch 31 Fire Punch 36 Sky Uppercut 41 Mega Punch 46 Detect 51 Counter 56 Close Combat

At what level does marshtomp learn muddy water?

my swampert just lvled to lv. 39 and it learned muddy water.

What level does budew learn mega drain?

In Platinum Version, Budew learns Mega Drain at level 13.

What fighting type moves can swampert learn?

mud shot muddywater superpower earthquake mega punch a pokemon world, thats what we live in!