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that movie was canceled because when a stupid parent let her teenagers and some friends go see it they came home crying and saying that they couldn't get the sight out of their eyes the mom reported it and she was followed with more parents and so then the police got involved and more stupid stuff then the producer canceled it from all the movie theaters

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Q: Why was monster hunter 2 release canceled?
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How much does monster hunter 2 on playstation 2 cost?

The release was canceled see related link

Where can you get monster hunter 2 for ps2 or xbox360?

Monster Hunter 2 was to be released for PS2 on February 16 2006 published by Capcom and the release was cancelled

Is Monster Hunter 2 out in America?

Monster Hunter 2 and a newer game, monster hunter freedom unite, have both been released in America.

Can Monster Hunter 2 and monster hunter unite link up?

They can't link up to go on quest's but if you get monster hunter freedom unite then you can import ur account from monster hunter 2. ps it doesn't delete your guy/girl on monster hunter 2 (z alesana i) ()_() (=':') (,(")(") your welcome!!

How can you get your felyne come with you in your quest in monster hunter freedom 2?

you mean Monster Hunter Freedom Unite? or Freedom 2? only Monster Hunter Freedom Unite has Felyne Fighters.

Can monster hunter freedom unite play ad hoc with monster hunter freedom 2?


Is monster hunter 2 good?


What quest do you have beat to get the kirin quest in monster hunter freedom 2?

I dont know how to do it on monster hunter freedom 2g but i know how to do it on monster hunter freedom unite. sorry =(

Was Monster hunter 2 good or bad?

6/10, good but not much improvement on Monster Hunter 1

Can you link up monster hunter freedom unite and monster hunter freedom 2?

no im sorry to say

Strongest monster in monster hunter freedom 2 G?


Can you ues felyne fighters in normal Monster hunter freedom 2?

is Monster Hunter Freedom Unite different from Monster Hunter Freedom 2? then if it is, you'll get on felyne fighters. only MHFU gets to have a felyne fighters.