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A corpse passes gas both through their mouths and/or rectums. Just like when the Person was alive gasses build up inside their bodies and will release through the mouth/rectum. This is why most Funeral Homes will actually sew shut the inside of the deceased's mouth to try to prevent this from happening during a Wake, Viewing, or Funeral.

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Q: Why do dead people pass gas?
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The dead marine organisms are oil and gas now and the people used them for gas and fuel cost companies.

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pass gas

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In the Sixth Sense, a little boy is cursed with seeing dead people. The theme was him helping the dead realize they were dead and helping them pass on.

When does a fEtus PASS GAS?

it doesnt pass gas at all...

Can you pass gas on command by telling your body to pass gas?

Perhaps, if you have enough gas in the intestinal tract.

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why you get lightheaded when i pass gas? simply because it smells like a$$!

How people pass gas?

People pass gas by swallowing air while eating or drinking, which then exits the body through belching. Gas can also be produced in the intestines during digestion, which is released through flatulence. It is a normal bodily function that helps to relieve discomfort and maintain digestive health.

Do Germans pass gas?

All humans pass gas - regardless of race, creed or colour !