If you are asking about flatulence, then no; when cats pass gas it is almost invariably silent.
Sounds like a loose or worn belt
It depends on how loud they are.
A cannon typically makes a loud booming sound when it is fired. This sound is due to the release of compressed gas propelling the cannonball out of the barrel at high speed.
your engine is loud because, the fan makes that noise
What kind of noise-a bang, a boom, a clang-you need to be more specific. a boom
Check your catalytic converter.
Passing gass in public is embarrassing. If it's quiet then say nothing. If you are in a small group and it's loud then excuse yourself. Realize that everyone passes gas at one time or another.
In my case, the loud noises are me screaming when I fall.
it doesnt pass gas at all...
sounds like a loose or worn belt.