why you get lightheaded when i pass gas?
simply because it smells like a$$!
No, unless your anxiety is about being lightheaded. If that is the case, your mind can trick your body into feeling lightheaded.
it doesnt pass gas at all...
Swoon means to faint, or lose consciousness. Other synonyms of the word swoon include pass out, black out, feel lightheaded, collapse, and become unconscious.
Perhaps, if you have enough gas in the intestinal tract.
All humans pass gas - regardless of race, creed or colour !
No, but they do pass it.
If you didn't pass gas when you needed to you would get a pain in your stomach.
Some people pass gas loud because they push it out hard.
Newborn babies don't pass gas because they don't yet have gas-producing bacteria in their intestines.
You are masturbating too much
If you are spotting and lightheaded, it is a good idea to see a doctor. You might be having a miscarriage if you are pregnant or you could have some type of uterine tumor.