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Swampert, just by a tiny bit. Hope I helped! :)

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Q: Who is better Blaziken or Swampert?
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Best Pokemon Ruby team?

swampert or blaziken are the best type to beat gyms or Pokemon league

Can you get all Sceptile Blaziken Swampert in Pokemon Emerald?

You can only get one with each game, so you have to trade them from other games.

How do you get Sceptile Blaziken and Swampert in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen?

You can't get any of the Hoenn starters Sceptile (Treecko), Blaziken (Torchic), or Swampert (Mudkip) in FireRed/LeafGreen; you'd need to trade from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. If you do trade a Sceptile, Blaziken, or Swampert (or one of its previous forms) from RSE, you should probably mate that Pokémon with a Ditto in your RSE game first. After you hatch the egg in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, you can either trade that baby starter or the original higher-level Pokémon to your FireRed/LeafGreen. That way, you have one form of the starter in one game and another form of the same starter in the other game.

Who is better sceptile or swampert?

it depends on which lvl your Pokemon is. A lvl 100 swampert is stronger than a lvl 99 sceptile, but a lvl 100 sceptile is stronger than a lvl 99 swampert. If you want your Pokemon to be stronger than the other, you jut have to train it a few lvls higher. But sometimes a Pokemon has a special move. they can defeat Pokemon of many lvls higer with that. well swampert is water ground and sceptile is grass so if you matched them up to battle each other no crap im going with sceptile 4 times effective to swampert all tho i love swampert blaziken and sceptile but i prefer grass Pokemon its just me.

Which is better Blastoise or Blaziken?


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What is the worst Pokemon to start with on Sapphire?

It depends on if you like Sceptile, Blaziken, or Swampert. Treecko: Sceptile; Torchic: Blaziken; Mudkip: Swampert.

Is this a good pokemon emerald team?

metagross salamence flygon blaziken swampert sceptile

Can Blaziken Sceptile or swampert learn psychic?

No, none of those Pokemon can learn Psychic.

What is the ultimate Pokemon sapphire team?

the best team is blaziken kyogre rayquaza altaria latias and pikachu.that is for the ones who chose torchic. sceptile same as other exept latias use regiice that is the treeko squad. and last but not least swampert kyogre registeel lucildlo kadabra/alakazam pikachu. sceptile blaziken and swampert only make difference because types is my opinion like 1-blaziken 2-sceptile/swampert

Best Pokemon Ruby team?

swampert or blaziken are the best type to beat gyms or Pokemon league

Can you get all Sceptile Blaziken Swampert in Pokemon Emerald?

You can only get one with each game, so you have to trade them from other games.

Who is better swampert or gyrados?

It depends on how u wish to use them. Offensively, Gyrados is better, but defensively, Swampert is better.

Which starting Pokémon is the best on Pokémon emerald?

I suggest Sceptile(Treecko) because it can Aerial Ace Blaziken(Torchic) and Leaf Blade Swampert(Mudkip). Sceptile, Blaziken and Swampert are third evolutions so Sceptile will be Treecko. Also, most of the trainers around Hoen (not including the gym leaders) carry water, rock, and other Pokemon that are weak against Treeko

In pokemon emerald what is a better grass Pokemon Breloom or Sceptile also who is a better water Pokemon Sharpedo or Swampert?

Sceptile is way better than Breloom. Swampert is better than Sharpedo, Swampert is also a Ground type.

How do you get Sceptile Blaziken and Swampert in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen?

You can't get any of the Hoenn starters Sceptile (Treecko), Blaziken (Torchic), or Swampert (Mudkip) in FireRed/LeafGreen; you'd need to trade from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. If you do trade a Sceptile, Blaziken, or Swampert (or one of its previous forms) from RSE, you should probably mate that Pokémon with a Ditto in your RSE game first. After you hatch the egg in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, you can either trade that baby starter or the original higher-level Pokémon to your FireRed/LeafGreen. That way, you have one form of the starter in one game and another form of the same starter in the other game.

Who is better sceptile or swampert?

it depends on which lvl your Pokemon is. A lvl 100 swampert is stronger than a lvl 99 sceptile, but a lvl 100 sceptile is stronger than a lvl 99 swampert. If you want your Pokemon to be stronger than the other, you jut have to train it a few lvls higher. But sometimes a Pokemon has a special move. they can defeat Pokemon of many lvls higer with that. well swampert is water ground and sceptile is grass so if you matched them up to battle each other no crap im going with sceptile 4 times effective to swampert all tho i love swampert blaziken and sceptile but i prefer grass Pokemon its just me.

Which is better Blastoise or Blaziken?
