The current Legendary Pokémon are:
Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres - The Legendary bird trio. Articuno is the bird of Ice, Zapdos is the bird of Thunder and Moltres is the bird of Fire.
Mewtwo - A genetically altered form of Mew, created by humans.
Mew - Said to be the rarest Pokémon in the world, it is also known as a mirage Pokémon. All the Pokémon excluding other Legendaries can be traced to Mew thus Mew is the 'origin of life'.
Raikou, Entei and Suicune - The three Legendary Beasts. They were resurrected by Ho-Oh after the burning of the Brass Tower. Raikou is the embodiment of thunder, Entei is the embodiment of volcanoes and Suicune is the embodiment of the North wind and can purify tainted water regardless of the tainted water's condition.
Lugia - Is the guardian of the sea and commands (to a certain extent) the three Legendary Birds. If all three birds are together, Lugia will rise to quell their battles.
Ho-Oh - Is the Guardian of the Skies. It also commands the three Legendary Beasts. Ho-Oh almost always appears creating Rainbows and its wings glow with the seven colors of the Rainbow.
Celebi - The guardian of forests and is technically the Guardian of Time.
Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Regigigas - The four legendary golems. Their history and purpose is unclear.
Latias and Latios - The Eon Pokémon. The two dragons protect the city of Alto Mare.
Kyogre and Groudon - Kyogre expanded the seas when the world began. Groudon expanded the land when the world began. Both Pokémon battled fiercely until quelled by Rayquaza.
Rayquaza - Is the protector of the skies and is able to neutralize the power of Kyogre and Groudon.
Jirachi is a Pokémon that wakes up every thousand years and is capable of granting wishes.
Deoxys - Is a Pokémon who came to Earth from a meteor. It has virus-like characteristics and represents DNA and the double helix structure.
Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf - Are three Pokémon who represent aspects of the human mind. Uxie embodies knowledge, Mesprit embodies emotion and Azelf embodies will.
Dialga and Palkia - Were created by Arceus. Dialga controls time while Palkia controls space.
Giratina - Appeared in another dimension when Dialga and Palkia were created. It is said to be the Pokémon who bridges the gap between the living and the dead.
Cresselia - Represents the new moon. It has the power to cure nightmares.
Darkrai - Represents the new moon and causes nightmares.
Manaphy - Manaphy is nicknamed 'the Prince of the Sea'.
Phione - Phione is under debate in regards to its Legendary status because it is the offspring of Manaphy which is Legendary however its Stats do not match that of a Legendary Pokémon. The Pokémon website once called it a Legendary during a Mailbag response however no other official sources have called it Legendary.
Heatran - Apparently a guardian of Stark Mountain, Hetran was made from pollutants or smog from volcanoes.
Shaymin - The gratitude Pokémon who can instantly transform a wasteland into a beautiful, healthy field. It only does this however if shown true gratitude.
Arceus - The Pokémon of all creation, Arceus created the Pokémon universe, matter (Dialga and Palkia/ Time and Space) and spirit (Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf/knowledge emotion and will). It is now in an eternal sleep.
Victini is the Victory Pokémon and it is claimed that Victini brings luck and good fortune to people in order to let them always win.
Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion are Ancient Pokémon that came to aid their fellow Pokémon in a war between Pokémon and humans.
Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus are part of the Kami Trio. Tornadus and Thundurus waged war against one another and Landorus was capable of punishing them in order to put a stop to their war.
Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem are part of the Tao Trio. Reshiram and Zekrom once waged war against each other and had destroyed the region but then went missing. Kyurem is a powerful Pokémon that came down via a Meteor.
Keldeo is a Legendary Pokémon that was taken care of by Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion due to being separated from its Parents as a result of a fire.
Meloetta is a Legendary Pokémon and is classified as the Melody Pokémon because its performance had filled people's hearts with joy however it lost the ability to fill people's hearts with joy with its music due to sorrow developing over the world.
Genesect is a Legendary Pokémon that was an Ancient Pokémon and Team Plasma had enhanced it by technological means.
I put a link to a guide all about legendary pokemon in HeartGold in the related links.
Moltres is a legendary pokemon all legendary pokemon are harder to capture.
no all legendary Pokemon do not evolve.feels evolves into milotic.
defeat all gyms,elite 4 and champion of that region to catch legendary pokemon
get all Pokemon you hav to lvl 100
keep training, all legendary Pokemon fall in time
all legendary pokemon is available............
All the legendary Pokemon are in the city figure it out and don't all was use this website for Pokemon ok. and it will actually cost 5 dollars to know were all the legendary pokemons are ha haha just kinnding all the legendary pokemons are in the middle of the island
They do not. All the legendary birds are single form pokemon.
I put a link to a guide all about legendary pokemon in HeartGold in the related links.
All the legendary Pokemon exhibited on the cover. that includes Entei, Raikou, Suciune, Kyorge and Groudon.
Most legendary Pokemon aren't all that good. If you have strong Pokemon which has type-advantage, you shouldn't have any trouble at all.
No; it evolves from Bronzor. All legendary pokemon do not evolve or have a pre-evolution.
if you want to cheat to get all legendary Pokemon on ruby you have to play on the computer
lugia:garitina mewtworegicand moremewAnswersdwerwqyjhghfsuigzkguyszdgfSDGFvuyzxgvzudofyascbsALIEYORFfiAUGRTfsdfgsyefhzxjfvguyzdzxjgcfsd8zoygfs if u understand this message u can have a legendary Pokemon
Moltres is a legendary pokemon all legendary pokemon are harder to capture.
you cant